Fatphobia is a disease

Laura Pardo
4 min readJan 27, 2022


Even if the title can sound brutal, I stand by what I said and what I wrote in there. Fatphobia is a disease, whether people agree or not.

Photo by Monika Kozub on Unsplash

As someone who has been bullied throughout her whole life just because I was fat, I do wholeheartedly believe that fatphobia is nothing but another excuse to discriminate against fat people and don’t treat us as humans, which flash news, we are (unless you believe in those lizards conspirational theories, then we surely aren’t humans at all).

Jokes aside, fat people are not usually considered humans by society, and this has been going around since years ago until today which, if you ask me, is a very embarrassing and hurtful thing to do as a society.

Historically, fat people had been conceived and represented as not only wealthy but also healthy in past centuries, which considering the topic right now is the opposite of what we, fat folks, are living in the present moment and have to go through now, and makes me think of why has this happened?

If someone answers me that it’s because of beauty standards, I will reply with a simple “I know”, because it’s ignorant to deny the fact that beauty standards do not change when in fact they do. But to the point to go against fat people just because they’re fat? How does that bother you, and why is that?

Fatphobia is socially accepted and extended, and no one can say this is a lie. Fatphobia has been represented and encouraged for years now in our society, and that mentality has been ruining people's self-image. It’s been the root of many traumas related to self-love, self-respect, and boundaries, and while it’s difficult to just pinpoint who started this or that, society lacks accountability in this matter and it’s disappointing, to say the least.

Photo by Jennifer Burk on Unsplash

Society lacks accountability when it comes to fatphobia, and it’s disappointing to say the least.

In the past few years, fat people have been featured in magazines, newspapers, working as models, and clothing brands had been including us in their catalog which is a step forward if you ask me. While some do it just for money, other brands can be sincerely concerned with the lack of representation fat people have. However, and making my point towards clothing lines more than anyone else, why does it look like there’s only one type of fat person?

Said person is always the same: tall, with their fat in the right places and, usually (speaking mostly about women) have big boobs. Clothing lines, listen! Just because someone uses a 36–38 (a 48 size in Spain) size in jeans does not mean they’re fat! That is also fatphobia. Why are clothing lines scared of using real fat people on their catalog? We deserve that representation too.

And it’s terrifying how some people believe that fat people only exist for their entertainment. If you are fat, you can’t even go to a McDonald’s and eat a burger without feeling the pressure of “what will others think of me?” and you can’t eat healthy either because people will still stare at you, questioning your choices just because you’re fat. And to top this off, the worst you can tell a fat person is to just love themselves. Most of us try to love ourselves, but how is that possible when 90% of the population in the world hates you just because you’re fat? And while this can sound like a reach, if you really think of it even if it’s not 90%, a 1% is still a lot of people finding another person disgusting just because they’re fat.

And I ask: Why does a fat person bother you so much to the point you make remarks about their weight time and time again that no one but you asked yourself to do? Why would someone feel so entitled to comment about a fat person’s body and why have you/are you bullying someone for their looks creating unnecessary insecurities? Why does it bother society so much when a fat person, after being repeatedly told to love themselves, starts to do so? Why does it bother society so much when fat people find themselves sexy and want to share it with the world on their social media? Why does society have to put someone down because of the way they look?

Why does a fat person have to be romantically involved only with another fat person? And why if the fat person’s partner is thinner than them, society thinks it’s insincere love and that there’s an ulterior motive to be together?

Why is society so entitled to fat people?

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

Stop looking at us in the street as if we’re out from a circus — we’re not. We are real people, we exist, and we deserve respect, love, equal treatment, and representation.

Regardless of the color of our skin, our backgrounds and where we come from, we are humans too. Whether you like it or not, whether you accept it or not.

The world behaves in strange and inhumane ways when it comes to fat people, have you asked yourself why?



Laura Pardo
Laura Pardo

Written by Laura Pardo

Novice writer. Daily life and spirituality, fiction, and sometimes reviews. Support me here: https://ko-fi.com/laurapwrites

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